Privacy Policy is a website dedicated to Japanese, Chinese and Korean manga/manhwa/manhui manga (or comics). We respect the privacy of our users and strive to be transparent about the collection, use and disclosure of information about our users.

Information Collection

We collect information about our users in the following ways:

Direct User Activity: When users visit or perform actions on our site, such as registering, creating an account, posting content, or engaging in conversations, we collect information that they provide to us directly. Such information may include name, e-mail address, phone number, date of birth, gender, interests, and other information that users provide to us.
Automatic Information Collection: We also collect information about our users automatically when they visit our site. Such information may include IP address, browser type, operating system, date and time of visit, and pages viewed.
Information from third parties: We may receive information about our users from third parties, such as advertisers and services like Yandex Metric and Google Analytics.

Use of Information

We use information about our users for the following purposes:

Providing Services: We use information about our users to provide them with the services they request, such as registering, creating an account, posting content, and participating in communications.
Communicating: We use information about our users to communicate with them about the services they receive and to inform them about new products and services.
Marketing: We use information about our users to target advertising and marketing materials.
Analysis: We use information about our users to analyze the use of our site and to improve our products and services.


We may disclose information about our users in the following circumstances:

Legal Requirements: We may disclose information about our users as required by law.
Protection of Rights: We may disclose information about our users to protect our rights or the rights of our users or others.

Information Control

Users can control the information we collect about them in the following ways:

Account Settings: Users may update or delete their account information at any time.
Browsers and Devices: Users may customize their browser or device to limit the collection of information about them.
Profile Deletion: Users may request deletion of their profile and the information contained therein by contacting the administration in the “feedback” field

Changes to the Privacy Policy

You may review the most current version of the Terms of Service on this page at any time. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to update, modify or replace any part of this privacy policy without prior notice to users of the site.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, you may contact us in the “feedback” section of the website

This privacy policy is effective upon posting.