Supporting the fight against illegal content
Unfortunately, it is impossible to exclude cases when Users can illegally store, transfer, distribute and provide access to information and intellectual property objects with the help of the Site.

The Site Administration is not entitled to assume the functions of law enforcement or judicial authorities and is not objectively able to assess whether the content posted on the Site is legal or not. The administration of the site carefully monitors that the site did not publish materials hentai manga, prohibited by the laws of the Russian Federation. If you have found such content, please contact us by Feedback.

Copyright Protection
We abide by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and other applicable copyright laws and will promptly remove unauthorized manga translations upon receipt of a notice of infringement.

Notice of Copyright Infringement
If you believe that a manga translation on violates your copyright, you may write a notice of copyright infringement and send it to, and we will block the material listed in the notice.

Part 512(c) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act imposes certain requirements on the form of this notice. Accordingly, it must be in writing and must contain the following information:

  • A tangible or electronic signature of the person authorized to represent the person whose copyright in the material has been infringed.
  • An indication of the work(s) for which the rights have been infringed. Where a notice reports copyright infringement of more than one such material (text, images), the notice must provide an indication of each.
  • Identification of the infringing material or the subject of infringing behavior, which material must be removed from’s servers or blocked from access. You must also provide the source address (URL) of that material.
  • Information about how to contact you, such as an e-mail address, mailing address, or telephone number.
  • A statement that you truly believe that use of this material in this form is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or U.S. law.
  • A statement, made in view of possible penalties for making false statements, that the facts you have presented are free from error or misrepresentation and that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.

Removal or blocking of access to the material

Upon receipt of the above notice of infringement within three (3) business days, will either take steps to restrict access to the disputed material or, if the information in the request is insufficient or there is doubt as to the credentials of the requester, contact the person who submitted the notice to obtain additional information.

Under certain circumstances, will terminate the service to account holders who have been found to be repeat copyright infringers.